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Political Correctness and College Sports Has The NCAA Gone Too Far

The NCAA in it's wisdom has determined that teams that use native The NCAA has gone so far as to say that these teams cannot play in the post season tournaments unless they change their names.While I am sure there is a group of people both Native Americans and others who seem to think these names are offensive shouldn't we look at the big picture? Shouldn't we look at why colleges chose the Mascots that they do? Don't college choose mascots because of the qualities they feel those mascots possess? Don't the Colleges want their student athletes to posses these same qualities. Qualities like skill, Strength, Bravery, knowledge, intelligence and sportsmanship.Aren't College athletics a huge source of pride for not just the student body but for the communities these colleges are in? The choice of Mascot isn't taken lightly by these universities. No college would ever chose a mascot that it felt was demeaning.

Seeing an Indian Chief ride a horse around the end zone after a touchdown or a win is inspirational to not only the fans but the teams. Many people view the Native American Indian as a brave provider for his family and his people.The Florida State Seminoles even when as far as to get permission from the Seminole Indians to use them as a mascot.

.About the Author
Mike Makler Offers Financial Services (Mortgages,Life Insurance, Annuity) in Florissant Missouri which is in North St.

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By: Mike Makler

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